Thursday, September 22, 2016


Directed by Oliver Stone
In cinemas now

How often in real life do people stand up to the behemoth that is the mighty US spy/war apparatus and get away with it? Not often enough. But if you count living in limbo in Russia – unable to fly to asylum in a third country once his passport was cancelled, unable to return home to the USA without fear of a rigged, secret trial on espionage charges – as getting away with it, Edward Snowden not only did that, but in a massive leak of classified information, gave the US and world public information about the unprecedented surveillance of US and global citizens, information essential for public discussion about privacy and the reach of government and corporate data collection.

Oliver Stone's newly released film “Snowden” recounts the story in a dramatisation that takes us on a journey from Snowden's administrative discharge from the military with fractures in both shins in around 2004, into his career in the CIA and then as an intelligence contractor, up to the momentous events of 2013 when he passed information about the PRISM program and other surveillance activities to journalists Laura Poitras, Glen Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill.

The information is publicly available, so it's no spoiler to speak of Snowden eluding capture in Hong Kong and being granted first one then three years' asylum in Russia, where he remains now.

The film is well made, acted and scripted. It portrays Snowden's transition from a patriot who believes in the rightness of his country and his commander-in-chief's decisions, to one deeply troubled by the impact of surveillance activities justified in the name of counter-terrorism but in reality, designed to ensure US government supremacy. The final straw for Snowden is the realisation that unimpeded data collection by US federal spy agencies and their contractors is primarily focused, not on the USA's rivals or enemies, but on US citizens.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as a convincing Snowden, and Shailene Woodley, as Lindsay Mills, Snowden's partner. Their political differences (she's a liberal who signs an anti-war petition; he's a conservative who is sure the Iraq war is right) make for an amusing foil to show that Snowden was no radical, intent on harming US security. It pitches him to a US audience as someone who simply takes seriously the US constitution's fourth amendment (against unreasonable searches and seizures), and who was prepared to defend it at great personal cost. The impact of the life of a spy and even more, of a spy who becomes convinced his government is doing something fundamentally flawed is played out in the strain on their relationship and in Snowden's decision not to tell Mills what he has found or what he is going to do, in order to protect her from being an accomplice in his data breach.

Snowden's relationships with others in the spy community add another interesting, and personal dimension, though it's the nature of the biopic genre that we're left wondering where creative license begins and ends. The portrayal of macho culture in the military and casual sexism in the spy community seems undoubtedly realistic. How Snowden copies and smuggles the all-important files out makes for great drama and suggests loyalty of like-minded friends.

This film has already begun to have an impact on audiences. It is likely to be more powerful for those not already familiar with the story, particularly those who haven't watched Laura Poitras' documentary, Citzenfour and perhaps other films. But even those who've seen Citizenfour may enjoy the background provided by “Snowden,” and the personal dimension it provides, even as it breaks down what's wrong with what the spy agencies are doing, in ways that non-geeks can understand.

Towards the end of the film, news headlines are used to indicate the extent of legal reform triggered by Snowden's leak. It would be too much to ask the film to delve into how much these laws are window dressing for public consumption and whether they have resulted in any changes in mass surveillance in practice, and it really doesn't go there. But what is clear is that Snowden's brave actions triggered a global discussion. And a US federal appeals court finding that the surveillance program was illegal is certainly vindication of his rationale for his leak.

In an unusual twist, Edward Snowden appears as himself at the end of the film, responding to questions in a forum connecting him by videolink to a live audience. It provides an extra dose of realism: it's a dramatic story, but true, and still being played out by a person still at risk from the secret government he exposed.

The release of the film is well-timed for the campaign for Snowden's pardon. Obama came to power promising whistleblower protection, but instead has made history as the US president whose administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers than any other. As the campaign gears up to call on Obama to use his last days in the presidency to pardon the best-known US whistleblower of the 21st century, “Snowden” has potential to entertain, inform, and call to act.

More information about that campaign can be found at PardonSnowden.

In song: Prism

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